Clinical Psychologist

Sabancı University – Psychology (BA)
Işık University – Graduate School of Social Sciences, Clinical Psychology (MA)

Area Of Expertise: 
Individual (Adult)

Therapy Approaches: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Sena Yazıcı has completed her undergraduate program at Sabancı University, Department of Psychology in 2022. She continued her education at Işık University Clinical Psychology Master’s Program and successfully graduated with her project titled “Perceived Parental Attitude, Emotion Regulation Skills and Violence in Romantic Relationships”.

During her education, she took part in various volunteering projects. Within the scope of Sabancı University Civic InvolvementsProjects (CIP), she worked in primary and secondary schools, nursing homes, and worked with children aged 8-13 in the “Discover Yourself” projects in Lüleburgaz and Erzincan.

She took part in the TUBITAK supported Newlyweds Study conducted by Assoc. Dr. Emre Selçuk and Assoc. Dr. Gül Günaydın.

In July 2023, she took part in psychosocial support activities as a volunteer psychologist in Malatya within the scope of DEPSDA Project.

During her graduate education, she worked as an assistant and intern at private counseling centers and completed her clinical observation internship at Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital.

She is working with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approach at Inventa Psychology wit Individuals (Adults).


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