Büşra Pay
Clinical Psychologist

Özyeğin University – Psychology (BA)
Marmara University – Graduate School of Social Sciences, Clinical Psychology (MA)

Area Of Expertise – Individual (Adult)

Therapy Approaches: Schema Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Clinical Psychologist Büşra Pay, after graduating from Özyeğin University’s Psychology Department (English Based Education) with honor degrees, started her graduate studies in Clinical Psychology at Marmara University. In graduate education, she received Dialectical Behavioral Therapy theory training from Assoc. Prof. Elif Çelebi. The goal of specializing in Schema Therapy, has led her to attend the schema therapy theoretical trainings and group supervisions given by Prof. Dr. Gonca Soygüt Pekak. She also received individual schema therapy supervisions from Psk.Dr Serap Piri Erbaş during her graduate studies. She has successfully defended her thesis titled “Investigating the Mediating Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship Between the Five-Factor Personality Traits and Social Anxiety Symptoms” and was graduated with High Honor degrees.


Buket Nursing Home, Hope Foundation for Children with Cancer, NP Istanbul Brain Hospital, Yavru Kuş Kindergarten, Luda Psychology and Istanbul Şehir University PADEM are among the internships she has completed throughout her undergraduate and graduate studies. She worked as a clinical psychologist in a private educational institution and organized seminars for parents within the institution. She also continued to conduct psychotherapy on an online psychological counseling platform.


In addition to her Schema Therapy training, she has completed the basic theory training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy given by Prof.Dr. Hakan Türkçapar, Prof. Dr. Aslıhan Dönmez and Prof. Dr. Kadir Özdel. She has participated in the 1st and 2st session of the “Eating Disorders Basic Training Module 1 and Module 2” given by Prof.Dr. Feyza Bayraktar.


She attended the ISST approved Schema Therapy training and Imagery Rescripting training given by Prof. Dr. Gonca Soygüt Pekak. Currently she continues the supervision process with Clinical Psychologist Safiye Yinelek to become an ISST Certified Schema Therapist.


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