Clinical psychologist Hazal Ergüneş completed her undergraduate education at Koç University in 2018 with a double major in Molecular Biology and Genetics and Psychology. She obtained her master’s degree in clinical psychology and psychopathology from the University of Lausanne in 2021. She achieved an outstanding success award in her postgraduate education and her master’s thesis titled “Hippocampus-related and striatum-related learning in the transitive inference task in young and older populations”.
During her undergraduate and graduate studies, she has participated in various scientific projects in Turkey, Germany and Switzerland in biology and psychology and published scientific articles. She had her experience in these areas at the Max Planck Institute with Prof. Dr. Henrik Bringmann’s Sleep and Wakefulness Laboratory, RNA Biology Laboratory at Koç University, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research Center at CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois). She has been involved in projects addressing issues such as the intergenerational transmission of childhood traumas and self-regulation-focused interventions for adolescents suffering from externalizing symptoms.
After her master’s degree, she took part in volunteering activities within TEGV and ÇATED and gained clinical experience in “Clinique des Rues Basses”. She completed Dr. Oğuz Omay’s 1st Level of Interpersonal Psychotherapy training. She attended cognitive behavioral therapy training (CBT) provided by Dr. Emel Stroup and by the Beck Institute, ISST Approved Schema Therapy Basic Level Training given by Prof. Dr. Gonca Soygüt Pekak and the Group Schema Therapy Certification Training organized by Dr. Joan M. Farrel, Ida A. Shaw (M.A) and Dr. Sevinç Göral Alkan. She is an ISST certified schema therapist. She utilizes cognitive behavioral therapy and schema therapy approaches in Turkish, French and English.