INVENTA PSYCHOLOGY is a psychological counseling center.  Psychotherapy and counseling services are rendered through a team of experts who graduated from the Psychology departments of Universities and have got either a masters or a doctorate degree from “Clinical Psychology” or “Couple and Family Therapy” graduate programs. They are well experienced and experts in their fields of study.

The Clinical Psychologists who work in INVENTA PSYCHOLOGY are subjected to the law article number 1219 which defines the “Clinical Psychologist”.  The title, “Clinical Psychologist” is used according to the definition in this law article.  (This law was published on the 26th of April, 2011, in the number 27916 issue of the Official Newspaper.)  This issue can be visited at the following link:    http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2011/04/20110426-1.htm

In addition to their degrees or doctorates from the universities, the members of our staff have at least one, long term psychotherapy training/education.  They go along with the continuous education and supervision policy which is needed for their professional development and improvement.  They have either completed their own psychotherapy process or are going through one.

The clinical psychologists providing services at INVENTA PSYCHOLOGY are subjected to the regulation:  “Healthcare Professionals and the job definitions of Other Healthcare workers” governing “The Job and Responsibilities of the Clinical Psychologists job definitions”.  (This regulation has been published in the May 2014 issue of Official Newspaper, number 29007.) This issue can be visited at the following link: http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2014/05/20140522-14-1.pdf

The following face to face or online psychotherapy and counseling services are available at INVENTA PSYCHOLOGY:  Schema Therapy, Cognitive – Behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Systematic Therapy, Couples  Therapy, Family Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, and Gotmann Couples Therapy. Inventa Psychology provides psychotherapy services for adults, couples and families, children and adolescents, as well as professional development workshops and clinical supervision studies for psychology professionals and students.

INVENTA PSYCHOLOGY, works along with the principles and values of the Turkish Psychological  Association’s ( TPA ) Psychologists Ethical Regulations.