– Online psychological consultancy and psychotherapy is a method whose effectiveness is proven and used all over the world for many years whenever face to face sessions are restricted or cannot be performed.

-All the rules in face to face sessions are valid in online sessions too.

-The client’s privacy is protected as in the face to face sessions.  In accordance with this policy, it is not allowed to record the sessions in the digital media for the privacy of both parties.  Please check Our Privacy Policy.

-It is important that, during the online session you must make sure that, the door of the room you are in, is closed and you will not be disturbed by anybody, during the session, whatsoever.

-The fee is the same for the online sessions as the face to face sessions.


Your consent is required!

The personal data you send to İNVENTA PSİKOLOJİ by filling out this form will be processed within our institution in accordance with the purpose of sending it, in accordance with the Law No. 6698. In this context, if necessary, you will be contacted for information purposes and additional information can be requested. Your personal data can be shared with other solution partners by our institution within the scope of your application as necessary. Your application shall be stored in our systems for tracking your transactions. For your rights and applications regarding your personal data, please see. İNVENTA PSİKOLOJİ Privacy Policy / PDPL (Personal Data Protection Law)
I accept to be contacted using the information I have shared above.

I accept and consent.