Attachment theory is the basis of Emotion Centered Couple’s Therapy devised by Dr. Susan Johnson and Dr. Lesley Greenberg in the beginning of the1980s (Johnson & Greenberg, 1985).

One of the initial aims of the Emotion Focused Couple’s Therapy is to examine the negative patterns and loops in the emotional reactions of the couples, having trouble in their relationships and rearranging them, so that, the couples could change by interacting and reaching to each other in communication.  In addition to this, it aims at rearranging the negative feelings of the partners, creating new interactions so that they can develop a positive and strong self confidence and establish a comfortable and secure communication with each other.

In Emotion Focused Couple’s Therapy, the role of the therapist is to connect the clients emotionally by communicating openly and candidly with each other, without aiming at protecting themselves, accusing each other in desperation and resorting to defense.  The clients are helped to establish an emotional tie and learn open and effective communication by understanding each other and their own fears and needs, expressing these feelings sincerely while getting closer to each other(Johnson & Johnson, 2004).

Johnson, S. & Greenberg, L. (1985). Emotional focused couples therapy: An outcome study. Journal of marital and Family Therapy, 11, 313-317.

Johnson, S. M., & Johnson, S. M. (2004). The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: Creating connection. New York: Brunner-Routledge.


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